The organization is running a project for Training and Production activities for income generation. Basic Public Health Projects for poor women and Creches are maintained near training centers. The organization also provides tailoring, spinning carpet weaving screen printing painting, and many micro projects.
With the up gradation in technology of automobiles and advent of many automobile companies in India. Speed and Power have become the appealing characteristics and basic requirements of an automobile, be it a Car or a Motor Cycle. In other words, the number of very fast moving vehicles on the Indian roads has increased enormously and the existing roads are almost insufficient and incapable of handling such grow in traffic density. The access of very fast accelerating Motor Cycles and Scooters to the younger generation has resulted in suicidal road behavior among users. Awareness on road safety is more relevant today than ever before. So the organization has taken the initiative of conducting Awareness Programmes on road safety I its area of operation.
Now-a-days AIDS / HIV has infiltrated into even the remotest of villages and realizing that the remotest of villages and realizing that the society has responsibility to prevent the disease from becoming a major health problem in the villages in which it services, Jnana Sindhu Educational and Cultural Society has making use of all forums that it sits with to talk about the preventive measures to be taken up to control the disease. It organized special programmes on AIDS prevention in Mandya and Chamarajanagara Districts, which provided the opportunity for a number of men (Van and Truck Drivers) and women (Construction workers) including the teenagers to acquire better awareness about the various aspects about the dreaded disease and its prevention.
Of late there has been an improvement of the awareness in consumers about their rights and a lot of people are approaching the Consumer Forums at District, State and National Levels for asserting their rights and getting redressal. The Consumers do have a legal right to see to it that the goods and services they receive by paying from their noses are in correct quality and of the right quality. This awareness is not there in the rural population irrespective of their educational qualifications and economic status. The presence of a Consumer Court to protect their rights is something not known to them. Considering the need to make it known to the villages, Jnana Sindhu Educational and Cultural Society organized Consumer Awareness Camps at many villages of Mandya District, in which the participation of the rural population was very encouraging.
Jnana Sindhu Educational and Cultural Society (R) has established a Typing and Computer Training Centre for the benefit of poor unemployed youth of both the sexes. About 780 unemployed youth have been benefitted so far by this programme. A Tailoring Training and Readymade Garment Production Centre are being established for enabling the unemployed women and girls to earn their livelihood.
Jnana Sindhu Educational and Cultural Society in the course of implement of various programmes involving the rural population has been consistently stressing upon the conservation of a healthy and clean environment and prevention of pollution habits of the village population. People are made aware of the basic needs of health and hygiene in preventing the deadly and avoidable diseases spread by mosquitoes. Stress is laid on the maintenances of good sanitary habits, facilitating proper flow of sewage in drains to prevent the surrounding air from fouling. Vehicle users are also advised to check air pollution by proper tuning of the engines of their vehicle and use unadulterated and unleased petrol to put an end to the pollution. People are also made aware of our responsibility to hand over a clean, healthy, unpolluted atmosphere to our future generations.
During the last five years, Jnana Sindhu Educational and Cultural Society has specifically laid stress on Rural Development in all its activities in Mandya District. It has employed the services of personnel specifically qualified in the field of Rural Development. Guidance is being imparted specially to socially and economically, weaker sections of the Society compresing of SCs, STs, Backward Classes and Women, in availing the benefits of various socio-economic programmes of the State and Central Government and creating an awareness of their lawful rights.
The organization is striving to make the rural population aware of the fact that education is the root cause of development. In this direction it is working on the identification of children denied of proper education. The illiterate parents / guardians of those children are being made to utilize the adult education and informational education programmes implemented for their benefit.
Realising that conservation of Socially, Politically and Financially, Healthy human resources are the back bone of any development country, the organization is carrying out programmes highlighting the importance of various nation programmes like Family Welfare, HIV / AIDS Prevention, Leprosy Eradication and Control, Blindness Control and the most successful pulse Polio Programmes in rural areas and encouraging the rural population to reap the benefits for the welfare of their families and the society.
Agriculturists are being made to understand the importance of cultivating the crops suited to the soil in their lands and follow a scientifically designed cultivating pattern among the villages and its significance in augmenting their income is stressed. Farmers are informed of the usefulness of constituting Self Help Groups, Milk Producers Co-Operatives etc., and the benefits that could drawn from the movement and the credit facilities extended by the Banks under various Govt. sponsored welfare measures.
Rural unemployed youth, specifically girls, are encourages to learn Typing, Computers, Agrabathi making, Doll Making, Readymade garments, etc., For getting into some gainful trade or self employment. They are also made aware of the Kitchen gardening, health and hygiene, social forestry, joint forest management, educational opportunities and residential facilities available at various levels to continue their education etc.,
The organization is trying its best for the development of rural masses and play an active and responsible role in bringing the rural India to the mainstream of the country and play a decisive role in the construction of a string nation.
JNANA SINDHU EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL SOCIETY ( R ) is a Non-Governmental Organization managed entirely by a group of educated, Progressive and dedicated persons. It is a significant part, both as a prime mover and as a catalyst, in and around Mandya and Chamarajnagar Districts. The Society is actively and successfully involved in the implementation of various programmers in co-ordination with central and State Govt. Department for the benefit of Women, Children and older persons as well. It is also striving for the educational upliftment of students belonging to SC/STs and other backward class through vocational and industrial trainings.
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