Donate By Cheque
- If you would like to make donation through cheque, please send it across to below address:
No.D5/4580, Bheeegowda Building (Udagyagiri), Labour Colony, Mandya – 571 401, Karnataka Stasge.
Donate Online
Online Donations are facilitated by Jnana Sindhu Old Age Home and it will take you to Online payment gateway.
What you can do?
- 1. Donate Rice, Dal, Sugar, Oil, Wheat.
- 2. Donate woollen sweaters, blankets, shawls, carpets, walking sticks, optical...
- 3. Donate soaps, tooth paste/powder, washing soaps, washing powders...
- 4. Donate bread, buns, fruits, horlicks, bournavita...
- 5. Medicines
- 6. Provision – Groceries
- 8. Donate those things which you are not using or those things which you have in plenty.