With the advent of the era of modernization in our country, the values and practices of a joint family system have eroded and has become a trend to subject the elder in the family to utter neglect and discard. There are various factors promoting this wrong attitude of the present generation, decline in moral values and sense of responsibility, greed for money and material things, growing family feuds and disputes, poverty and suffering, growing self-centeredness, etc. All these factors have had a telling effect on the lives of elder in many families, specially rural and agricultural. Lack of awareness on the part of the elders to plan for such eventualities (their illiteracy and lack of forethought) also contributes to the cause.
Jnana Sindhu Educational and Cultural Society has embarked on combating this problem in very pragmatic manner and in course if its endeavor towards the welfare of discarded elders, has started an Old Age Home at Halahalli, Mandya since 2001-02 and is running the same in am efficient manner with partial support from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India. Free, food, shelter, clothing, Recreation and Medical facilities are provided to them helping them to live in peace at the fag end of their life. In certain cases of utter abandon, the Society takes upon itself the conduct of funeral (cremation or burial) of the inmates who meet their end at the Old Age Home. So far, about 210 Old men and women have been benefited by this programmes.
Many philanthropic personalities and institutions have patronized the Jnana Sindhu Old Age Home for distribution of clothes, Rugs, Bed Sheets etc., on auspicious days. The Society on its part celebrates all major festivals and National and International Celebrations to boost the morale of the aged persons so as to provide a homely atmosphere to them. They are also encouraged to carryout Yoga, Meditation, Bhajan, etc. and occasionally recreational tours are also organized for their benefit. The Old Age Home has been well acclaimed in the whole of the district and is being managed efficiently as a model to others.